Strategically placed before Earth Day, International Hemp Day (April 21st) is a celebration of all things hemp!
Celebrate All Week!

Listen and Learn at BCTC’s Earth Day Presentation Series. Details below.
Celebrate this special day with us, or better yet, celebrate it all week long! This year we are combining Earth Day celebrations with hemp celebrations by doing awesome things that promote the U.S. industrial hemp industry and our environment! We kicked off the week on Sunday with a small garden party, where we planted fresh vegetables!
We’ll be saying no to the gas guzzler and yes to the bicycle! We’ll be refusing straws and other single use plastics. We’ll be promoting awesome events and companies that support environmental consciousness and, of course, hemp! On April 20th, we’ll be presenting at Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) on the product life cycle of straws and innovations towards conscious consumerism.
We’ll be calling Senators to request the removal of industrial hemp from the Controlled Substance Act as well as calling on Congress to resist Trump’s devastating cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency. And we’ll be joining the ‘March for Science’ event in downtown Lexington.
International Hemp Day Celebration
On International Hemp Day, we’ll be celebrating with Kentucky Hemp Research Foundation as they kick off their ‘Friends of Hemp’ Crowdfunding Campaign! Their campaign supports hemp research projects and educational programs that grow the industry and the event showcases Rock House Brewing’s Hemp Ale and hemp pasta by Lexington Pasta Garage!
If you’re in Lexington, Kentucky or the area, we invite you to join us at these events!
Rock House Brewing — April 21st, 5:30 to 7:30
Week long events include:
Bluegrass Community and Technical College Earth Day Celebration on Conscious Consumerism:
Presentation by Annie Rouse
“Ever thought about what it takes to manufacture a single-use product? Or what happens to it after use? This talk touches on a product’s life cycle and a new innovation that will foster conscious consumerism.”
When: Thursday, April 20, 2:00-3:15 p.m.
Where: Oswald Auditorium (OB 230), BCTC- Cooper Campus
Note: Parking enforcement is off.

Hemp Pasta – photo credit: Nutriplanet
Kentucky Hemp Research Foundation Crowdfunding Campaign Launch Party
Celebrate the launch of the KHRF’s Crowdfunding Campaign on Indiegogo Generosity with hemp beer and hemp pasta!
When: Friday, April 21, 5:30 to 7:30
Where: Rock House Brewing, 119 Luigart Ct 40508
March on Science
March in support of science! Sponsored by: American Institute of Geologists – Kentucky, Bluegrass Society of Neuroscience, Kentuckians for Science Education, Kentucky Academy of Science, Kentucky Paleontological Society, Our Revolution – Central Kentucky, Political Ecology Working Group – University of Kentucky, Together We Will – Bluegrass, and many individual supporters.
When: Saturday, April 22, 1PM
Where: Fayette Circuit Court, Lexington