Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.
– Thomas Jefferson
Make the most of the Indian hemp seed, and sow it everywhere.
– George Washington
Hemp is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant species. People across the middle latitudes of Europe and Asia have used hemp since 5000 B.C.
Historically, hemp was used for oils and ointments and but was most commonly used for textiles because of its strong fiber. In fact the term “canvas” is derived from the Latin or Greek word, cannabis or kannabis.
Less commonly known in modern times, was its use for pharmaceutical preparations for asthma, migraines, neuralgic pain, sleep, tremors, epilepsy, and corn remedies.
Hemp and marijuana are different varieties of the same plant species Cannabis sativa. The two varieties are also in the same plant family as beer hops. Hemp is non-intoxicating, whereas marijuana is intoxicating.
Hemp has low concentrations of THC, but high concentrations of CBD. Conversely, marijuana has high concentrations of THC and lower concentrations of CBD.
The term “marijuana” is actually derogatory and is a representation of prohibition under Commissioner Harry Anslinger. You should call it cannabis.
CBD is cannabidiol. THC is tetrahydrocannabidiol, technically this THC is called ∆-9-THC. CBD is non-intoxicating. ∆-9-THC is intoxicating. CBD and ∆-9-THC are two of the main cannabinoids naturally found in Cannabis varieties, like hemp and “marijuana.”
Other cannabinoids include CBG, CBC, CBN, ∆-8-THC + over 100 more. These are all considered phytocannabinoids, phyto meaning plant derived.
The human brain also naturally produces cannabinoids in our endocannabinoid system. These are called endogenous cannabinoids.
Hemp Cannabinoids
Hemp cannabinoids and terpenes are found in the trichomes of the hemp flowers. There are over 100 known cannabinoids, but our understanding of how the different cannabinoids interact with each other and our bodies is under investigation.
The first cannabinoid, cannabinol (CBN), was extracted in the 1920s and isolated in the 1940s. But CBD and THC were not isolated until the 1960s. Soon after they were considered a Schedule I Narcotic and limited-to-no research was performed.
In the early 1990s, researchers discovered the body’s endocannabionid system, which monitors mood, memory, appetite, thermoregulation, sleep, metabolism and more. Our brain naturally produces endogenous cannabinoids that bind to our cannabinoid receptors. Phytocannabinoids found in hemp mimic these endogenous cannabinoids, creating an effective means for supplementing our endogenous cannabinoids.
Full Spectrum CBD
Full Spectrum CBD includes both cannabidiol and other minor cannabinoids (ex. CBN, CBG). Full Spectrum CBD also normally contains trace quantities of THC and terpenes. These cannabinoids and terpenes are extracted from the flowers of the hemp plant and mixed with carriers to create CBD finished products. Extraction methods vary and may include: Supercritical CO2, Ethanol, Butane, Olive Oil and MCT Coconut Oil.
Cannabinoid products also vary. Popular delivery methods include: tinctures, balms, lotions, capsules/softgels, patches, and vapes. However, as the market grows and regulation loosens, more delivery methods will become more easily accessible- like CBD water!
But buyer beware! When buying CBD products, be sure to buy from a reputable brand. Unfortunately, some brands take advantage of the current market and the quality marketed is not the quality in the bottle. This is why we have developed our third-party verification. To ensure you buy the best quality products on the market!
CBD Isolate
Some CBD products are an isolated form of CBD. These products contain zero THC, zero minor cannabinoids and zero terpenes. CBD Isolate products are normally 99.9% pure extracts.
These products are commonly desired for individuals that desire zero THC.
Hemp Terpenes
Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in the flower’s trichomes. Terpenes provide each cannabis variety with its unique smell. Terpenes are found in much more than just cannabis, like conifer plants. Every plant variety has a different set of Terpenes.
Terpenes also bind to receptors in the human body, but the extent of their effects on the human body is still being researched.
Some cannabinoid extraction processes remove the terpenes from the extract, so not all finished cannabinoid products will contain terpenes.
Hemp Seeds
Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds or hemp grain are an excellent source of Omega 3 and essential amino acids. The grain is processed into hemp hearts, hemp protein, hemp oil, and toasted hemp seeds
Hemp Hearts
Hemp Hearts are literally the heart of the seed. Processors de-hull the seed, removing the exterior shell from the heart. They’re subtle sunflower seed flavor and nutrient-density make hemp hearts a great addition to any meal!
Hemp Protein
Hemp protein is an efficient plant-based protein. Hemp protein is high in L-Arginine, L-Glutamic Acid, Magnesium and Potassium. The protein is a by-product of cold-pressing the hemp seed for oil.
Hempseed Oil
Hempseed Oil is a sustainable source of Omega 3 and an alternative choice to fish oil. Hempseed Oil is cold-pressed and has a near perfect Omega 6: Omega 3 ratio. The human body craves a 2.5:1 ratio. Sadly, because of our modern food system, our bodies commonly receive a 25:1 ratio. Conversely, hempseed oil has an optimal ratio at 2:1.
Hempseed Oil has a low-heating value, so don’t cook with it; but it’s great in dressings, pesto and smoothies! Not to be confused with CBD oil, cold-pressed hempseed oil contains no cannabinoids like CBD or THC.
Toasted Hemp Seeds
Toasted Hemp Seeds are an excellent nutrient-dense snack. Try them dipped in chocolate or brewed in craft beers!
Hemp Stalks

The hemp stalk is processed into three intermediate goods by mechanical decortication. The goods include:
- bast fiber
- hemp hurd
- hemp lignin
From automotive components to bioplastics to building materials and textiles, this biomass provides excellent substitution for petroleum-based feedstocks.
Bast Fiber
The bast fibers make up 25% of hemp’s stalk. The strong bast fibers are separated from the hemp hurd by mechanical decoritication. Bast fibers are commonly used in textiles and biocomposites like automotive components. Major automotive manufacturers are transitioning from fiber glass to natural bast fibers, like hemp, because of their lightweight performance.
Hemp Hurd
The woody hurd (or core) makes up 70% of hemp’s fibrous stalk. The hurd looks similar to wood chips, and is used for animal bedding, paper and building materials. When more refined, a mixture of short fibers and hurd can be used for paper.
Hemp Lignin
The lignin makes up 5% or less of hemp’s stalk. Lignin is an organic polymer or “glue” attached to the hurd. Lignin can be extracted and used for bioplastics; however, this process is in its infancy.